메타버스, 블록체인 게임, 자존감 창출을 위한 새로운 금융 모델.
가상 세계와 현실 세계는 수년에 걸쳐 점점 더 얽혀 있습니다. 오늘날의 첨단 장치는 우리가 필요로 하는 거의 모든 것을 손끝에서 찾을 수 있습니다. 암호 세계에서 이것에서 벗어날 수 있는 방법은 없습니다. NFT, 블록체인 게임 및 암호화폐 결제는 괴짜가 아닌 사람들에게 점점 더 인기를 얻고 있습니다. 메타버스의 끊임없는 진화로 인해 모든 것이 이제 여러분의 손끝에 있습니다.
It will also include digital identity, decentralization of governance, and a wide range of other applications, including gaming and social networks. Because of the creation and ownership of valuable items and currency by users, a single metaverse is still being built today. All of these features and capabilities of blockchain make it a viable candidate to power this emerging technology.
While the metaverse is still in its infancy, gaming companies, tech giants, and venture capitalists have invested a significant amount of money in it. There's no denying that the video game metaverse will endure. a market research firm estimates that by 2020 the metaverse market will be worth more than $49 billion in the form of games, gadgets, and online services. In addition, the annual growth rate is 40%. Many tech billionaires are fascinated by the 'evolution of the internet.' For a truly immersive virtual reality, the gaming industry is turning to the metaverse.
There's a pressing need for a centralized infrastructure that can provide a seamless end-to-end experience for both game creators and players who care about interoperability, usability, and control over their digital assets and identities. This is how GOTFY came to be.
Welcome to GONTY
GONFTY is a decentralized gaming ecosystem for the next generation. To build the next generation of decentralized metaverse infrastructure (and a gaming blockchain) using Polkadot compatibility, GONFTY was created. Gonfty will be built on the Web3 stack, with a web browser-based hosting platform for smart contracts, and standard if-then statements for smart contracts logic. Create and transact in online communities with your own designs is made simpler with this set of tools and services.
The goal of GONFTY is to liberate the virtual economy of the future by utilizing the metaverse's full potential of NFT. What we're doing is breaking down the barriers and developing new financial models for the metaverse, blockchain games, and self-esteem creation. GONFTY aspires to aid in the expansion of the computerized gaming economy for both players and content creators in equal measure.

This is the protocol layer: NFTY Chains (Beta Version)
System reliability: The ability to recover from infrastructure or service disruptions, dynamically acquire computing resources to meet demand, and mitigate disruptions such as misconfigurations and transient network issues are the pillars of the NFTY Chain Architecture.
Risk assessment and mitigation strategies are used to ensure that information, systems, and assets are protected while still delivering value to the business.
Software architecture's ability to adapt to future changes in its requirements is referred to as -Flexibility. When its components are loosely coupled, a software architecture is more adaptable.
All people, including those with disabilities, can use something if it is usable. By implementing assistive technology and providing text for all images and multimedia resources, it is possible to achieve this end result.
Ability to operate systems in order to provide business value at the lowest price point (Cost Optimized).
-Anonymity: the ability to maintain the privacy of the user's identity.
With subtle modifications, NFTY Chain inherits high-level components from Substrate node, enabling NFTY Chain to perform better and scale horizontally and vertically. The NFTY Chain node's core components are depicted in the following diagram.
Layers of the application
GONFTY is the game's benchmark. Gamebench is a platform for developers to build games and decentralized applications (dApps) on our blockchain using a collection of software development kits (SDKs). To put it another way, the Gamebench acts as a correspondence layer on top of the SDK. Allows game designers to tweak NFTY Chain functionality in their game motor of choice.
NFT Mint and Marketplace: The Metaverse's NFT Mint and Marketplace is one of its most important components. This platform is an NFT stamping and commercial center stage, which in general is a vanilla connection point and set of APIs on the NFT Chain that can be used by the NFT World as well as others.
In other words, it's GONFTY. Decentralized exchange (DEX) swapp is another pre-built dApp on the NFTY Chain, which allows clients to move and trade their resources openly and in a decentralized and trustless manner. It has a trade; liquidity pool; exchange pool; and locking system built into the web application based on the NFTY Chain. Clients have the option to exchange and lock their resources, as well as provide a liquidity and exchange pool.
As a result of the advancements in 5G technology, streaming services have been given a wider range of possibilities. PS Now and Google Stadia, two of the most popular game streaming services, stand to gain the most from this trend. Because of the great web speed, running on server farms has become easier, and thus the use of/and need for a game control center has been deliberately eliminated.
Streaming services like PlayStation Now and Google Stadia rely on unified models for their mechanics and economics. These stages hoard the two closures of the market interest with membership fees and commissions on the deals of games, resulting in an intrinsic unevenness and an unjustified monetary model.
With its high-throughput environment and gratitude to basic blockchain snared with decentralized vision, GoNFTY is set to upend this industry. Giving a trustless organization in which both the provider and the customer work together unhindered creates an essentially more attractive environment in which esteem creation and financial models become democratized. The GONFTY biological system is set to replace the conventional game streaming stages and give both providers and customers a more pleasant economy.
Blockchain games aren't enough for GNFTY. They want an entire library of them. Gonfty hopes that this will attract video game developers from around the world to use their platform to distribute their games. In the metaverse, all kinds of legacy games can be played, allowing for inter-game synergies, if we can accomplish this. Blockchain gaming will become a new and exciting experience thanks to this.
It's too early to tell if GONFTY will be a successful blockchain gaming infrastructure project, like many other blockchain projects. No one at GONFTY doubts the ability of the team working behind-the-scenes to create something truly groundbreaking. As a result, GONFTY has high hopes for this group in the coming years.
Please visit GONFTY, for further information.
Website: https://gonfty.network/
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